The Travails of Mother Africa
By Hama Tuma
It is not the first time that French presidents take to the stage to belittle and insult Africa. Former president Chirac admitted that Africa was crucial for the existence of France, though he did complain of our “noise and odors”. His successor, Sarkozy, the man who is beleaguered by a court case alleging he took millions from Libya’s Kaddafi for his election bid years ago, said of Africa: it has not passed the door of civilization. Forget Songhai, Timbuktu, Axum, Zimbabwe, Ghana etc… Sarkozy’s successor, the bankers’ boy Macron, said the serious problems of Africa are due to our mothers who give birth to so many children. There we were wondering if our underdevelopment had anything to do with French and Western imperialism, anything to do with the billions that France itself takes from our continent.
On top of it all, came the trumped up …hole of a story. It is actually not very surprising that African dictators (is there really another type we know?) are welcoming and also hailing the very white presidents that are calling our continent names. When the dangerous and racist clown who calls himself the president of the USA called quite a few African countries shitholes the silence from these quarters was also, expectedly, deafening. It takes one to know one as it has been said. To put it bluntly, I am not wounded by the insult. It is very true that shithole presidents backed by shithole Trump, and his predecessors, have turned our countries into centers of despair, poverty, corruption and decay. The dictators we have are god sons of American and other imperialisms–with China added as of recently. Nationalist leaders like Lumumba, Machel, Nkrumah, Cabral, Um Nyobe, Pierre Mulele, Ernest Ouandie, Sankara and more were all killed or ousted by imperialists. The Belgian colonialists killed close 15 million Congolese, the Germans massacred the Herero, Italy slaughtered more than a million Ethiopians, the crimes of the British and French were very grotesque and well known. A whole continent was raped, pillaged and devastated by American and Western imperialism. This is just for background, for the plunder of Africa by imperialism is still in progress in almost all the countries that have been turned into shitholes by imperialism itself. And let us point out again that super power America is being ruled now by an ignoramus who has no moral high ground to judge Africa, the helpless victim of the West since the slave trade and brutal colonialism.
Many times we Africans have been told we are lazy and determined to stay poor and ignorant. If the continent was peopled by Japanese and Israelis it would have been prosperous said one of the self appointed expert on our species. Bill Gates and others want to impose harsh birth control on us so that we do not pose immigration problems on Europe. All this assumes that Africans are doomed to stay underdeveloped and the reason for this has nothing to do with the conditions imposed upon us by imperialism of all sorts. Even if we give them the benefit and accuse only our dictators, who brought and backed these dictators? When Belgium and the CIA plotted and caused the murder of Patrice Lumumba it was their puppet Mobutu who took power and totally sold the rich Congo to the West and caused the problems that still plague the country. The ongoing carnage in the East of the country is caused by greedy multinational companies going after gold, diamond, coltan, etc. France’s role in Chad, Niger, and so called Francophone countries is well known as is that of the oil hungry US in Equatorial Guinea. Who brought to power and sustained the dictatorial Tigrean group in Ethiopia? Inept, Washington creates monsters like Al Qaeda itself that turn against it in due course of time. Without the backing of western imperialism, Africa’s dictator would not have brutalized our countries and sold us repeatedly to the highest bidder. Our mothers are not our problems, Mr. Macron and Bill Gates. You all are. You do not have to read Walter Rodney on How Europe Underdeveloped Africa–you know it too well. Africans are hard working and the people are its strength.
That said, if Trump insults our countries we should not be surprised or hurt at all. The truth does hurt often. The buffoon is a professional bumbler and has made outrage his middle name. In Ethiopia, we call people like him, rude to their core and racist, shit mouths. But we do not utter this word as it is also considered rude. Unlike Trump, we are too polite to shoot from the mouth all the s…t that just pops up. Africa has continued to be the playground of robbers and plunderers. A new scramble is going on with China as the rival of the imperialist devils we used to know. Africa is trampled upon like grass by the thieving elephants so to say. If the robbers leave us alone Africa would fare fine and take its rightful place in the world. Consider the following article:
The New Colonialism examines the operations of companies listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) with mining or energy interests in Africa. 101 LSE-listed companies have such operations in sub-Saharan Africa – covering 37 countries in total. Most of the 101 companies are British: 59 are incorporated in the UK, and 12 others are incorporated in Guernsey and Jersey – British tax havens. Others operate from London despite being incorporated elsewhere, with 25 incorporated in tax havens. These companies play a dominant role in the plunder of major minerals and energy resources from Africa. They control resources worth more than $1 trillion:
• 6.6 billion barrels of oil
• 79.5 million ounces of gold
• 699.3 million carats of diamonds
• 3.6 billion tonnes of coal
• 287 million ounces of platinum,
• huge reserves of gas, copper, silver, cobalt, bauxite and other minerals.
Tax havens, high interest on loans, tax dodging, utilizing the IMF to cripple the African economy, degradation of the climate, taking billions out of Africa, spreading corruption — every year Africa loses close to $ 50 billion to the West. Racism and paternalism (like Gates warning Nigeria to shape up or…) have also taken their tolls. The role of France in West and Central Africa is similar until today–merciless plunder, military aggression racist arrogance. Such is the problem of Africa–not our mothers, not our laziness or color. The pillar of Fortress Europe is none other than France. Take the dictator in Djibouti where both America and France (amongst many others including China) have military and drone bases. Africa and specially the Horn of Africa have been turned into war centers. What developmental aid? Debt for sure. Carnage certainly. The war on Libya has destabilized Northern and Western Africa. War mongering imperialism is Africa’s main problem. Who ruined Haiti? There was a time when most military coups in Africa were organized by Britain and France. If we let go this can be a very long litany the inventory of blood is too long.
Friday, March 30, 2018
Sunday, March 25, 2018
What Is To Be Done No. 26: YOU DON'T
March 21, 2018
What Is To Be Done
No. 26
“You can't hate the roots of a tree and not hate the tree. You can't hate Africa and not hate yourself”
Malcolm X
“The drums of Africa still beat in my heart. They will not let me rest while there is a single Negro boy or girl without a chance to prove his [or her] worth”
Mary McLeod Bethune
Today walking in the
streets of Wellington, a young lady of African Origin coming from the opposite
direction, we looked at each other. I said ‘hi’ she said, ‘do I know you?’.
Then, ignoring her anger, I said ‘I am from Ethiopia’. Then she said she is
from France, saying (as usual) she is late for work. We said to each other ‘nice
to meet you’.
We became the scapegoats
for every wrong that goes on in their country.
For me Mother Continent
Africa will be more than enough to make us lead rich, peaceful, prosperous
lives. When the West goes out of Africa, genuine children of Africa will go
back to build our continent with our sisters and brothers who are suffering
there already.
That is the time we can
say to those who are ashamed of their identity, like the young lady of today, “you
don’t know us’’. To the Western Asians and Middle Eastern Exploiters - we will
see you in a few years’ time. When we can see you/us as equal partners trading
goods and services in equal terms.
The above photo show 44
leaders of African countries after signing the “African Continental Free Trade”
agreement in Kigali, Rwanda, 17-21 March 2018. This meeting was hosted by Paul Kagame,
the life time President of Rwanda. Kagame washed his hands in the blood of Congolese,
Burundian and Rwandan people. He is a human rights violator who tortured and
murdered journalists and members of opposition groups. Most of these leaders
are the ‘same grain in a different container’. After all, Africa doesn’t need
free trade for the Continent at all. Africa needs unity towards Pan-Africanism.
Africa needs ancestral land to be returned for the black farmers.
Africa needs freedom,
democracy, people’s governance, self-rule in the gown of democracy which will
fit the Continent harmoniously. Made and designed by her genuine children.
Recently I read and
watched a video of Ethiopians protesting in Geneva, Switzerland. The umbilical
cord of Global Mafia. The centre of charity business. The centre of global
criminal banks.
Protests and lobbying
are not the answer to our political problem. Unless we wanted the blessing of
the UN, the West, and other rich countries. Like they “allowed” the current authoritarian
regime to move into the palace in the 1990s. Please!!! My fellow sisters and brothers
of Ethiopia, my homeland, don’t sell our country. With a deal, you can lobby at
the corridors, toilets, drinks and hotels. Don’t sell our integrity. Where do
we see other sister/brothers of black Africa doing as we do in this global mafia’s
I went to my favourite book shop, Unity Books
in Wellington, to attend a book launch. One girl from the guests came to me
gave me a hug, which is a cheer for my lonely depressing life. I recognized her
- she was participating with me at Wellington and Aotearoa Peace+ Movements in
the early 2000s after 9/11. She asked me if am currently active with peace
movements. I said ‘no, I don’t want to cry for others’ wounds unless we cry for
all the wounds, including mine’’. She was expecting elaboration. I kept quiet,
turning our attention to the book launch ceremony
Protest and activism
has become racist. Even those young activists took activism as a fashion, after
a while changing their direction. Some of them to charity business - that is
where the money flows like water. Which will take them to “adventure’’ freely
without much expense. The good salary pays student loan quickly, buys a house,
while having “fun” overseas. I am not against this but no one commits to the
struggle for human justice - to alleviate human suffering.
Please! Click the link
below to see what the fundraising song and dance is all about.
Yilma Tafere Tasew,
Wellington, New Zealand
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
What is to Be Done No. 25: “Charity’’ and Africa
The Poverty Porn
“Humanitarian organizations like UNICEF, Doctors without Borders, and alike have done more damage to Africa than the marginal positive impact they supposedly have had.’’
Charity has been in Africa for centuries, even before the “scramble for Africa’’ arrived in the continent. The white missionaries carrying some items in the one hand and their bibles in the other. Brainwashing indigenous Africans to believe that poverty is a god-given treasure to accept with gratitude.
The missionaries were preparing them for the coming colonialism. This is a sentence which will transit the reader to the current situation of “charity’’ agencies’ corruption, rape, and sexual abuse, which is the current existing trend or practice.
If anyone joins any “Charity agency’’ to go to Africa, the expectation is to be employed with a hard currency minimum six figure salary, medical insurance, and the so-called “R&R or rest and relax’’ on top of annual leave.
For example, if you are a refugee in an African Refugee situation, “volunteering’’ for the agencies, including the UN refugee agency UNHCR, your payment is your incentive; working like a donkey, more than the local & international staff. No insurance, no annual holiday, no time limit. If your bosses want you to work, you have to work 24/7 without any contract. Because they/you think it is much better than staying in the camp without any prospect of resettlement.
Recently, the World Food Program reduced food ration for refugees in Kenya, starving refugees of Kakuma and Dadab camps to death. The thugs, criminals of the UN, start taking the highest portion of the donated money. Driving around the refugee camps with their flashy air-conditioned vehicles, their accommodation like Western countries’ villas, satellite TV.
Their food flying in, with water and drink, by plane from Nairobi. Relaxing. Enjoying themselves in and around the swimming pool. They “complained’’ about not having enough budget for feeding the “basic’’ - the refugees. When they run out of ideas they “design’’ headcount - making refugees pass through disclosure fence like cattle, inking them to identify the counted ones from the not-counted ones, in the scorching sun. Heart breaking. While they starve, the UN and other agencies’ staff wouldn’t lose a meal for a day.
Part of the current charity debacle are the so-called celebrities, like Angelina Jolie and Madonna, who think they can save Africa. The So-Called UN ambassador in the case of Angelina Jolie, and the business of “adoption’’ by both she and other deluded Westerners, whose greed has no limit.
If they are allowed they will go to Africa to hunt children with “hunting’’ permit, like wild animals. People who read this article are outraged in their own category. On the one hand, the ones who are happy this is said, who didn’t know it has gotten worse. On the other hand, how dare I write this?
Recently the British “Charity’’ Oxfam has been exposed for its crimes of corruption and sexual abuse. It is the tip of the iceberg.
When it comes to the current problem of Africa, it is rooted in and planted by the West. The first step of the solution is for the West to get out of Africa. After a few years of up-and-down, Africa will clean itself and achieve success. Otherwise Africa will die in a worse shape than currently.
Sunday, 25th February 2018

What Is To Be Done? No 24: Another ‘’ Race Relation /Refugee Day Celebration’’
‘’There is a story behind every
person. There is a reason why they are
way they are. Think about that respect them for who they are’’
‘’Staying quiet doesn’t mean I have nothing to say. It means I don’t
think you are
to hear my thoughts.’’
‘’Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.’’
Since 2001, New Zealand has been ‘’Celebrating World Refugee Day’’ and probably since the year 2010, Race Relations day. I remember on 20 June 2001 reading a poem and speaking at the New Zealand Parliament. That was the last day I was allowed to give an organized speech. The speech has exposed the reason behind the ‘’ Refugee Day’’. When I mention that it used to be called ‘’World Refugee Day’’, it used to be called ‘’African Refugee Day’’. Since the 1990s, and in 1995, African Refugees in Africa refugee camps protested the idea of ‘’celebrating ‘’ Refugee day. One of these places was Kakuma refugee Camp in Kenya, where I was before I came to New Zealand.
Race relation day was started through the Race Relations Commission. It happens every year in March in New Zealand. I have tried every means to be part of, not the celebration but the forum. From the Race Relation Commissioner to staff who work there, they didn’t give me the opportunity. Mostly this kind of forum involves conference or forum fee. This will help them to block people who they think are not desirable not to attend - “lower standard’’ people like me.
The cultural dance/ food /and other items for sale is good. Only the ethnic can be part of the political process. Where did you see the Pakeha becomes this process instead being entertained? Hajaib!!!
That is why I strengthened my lamentation with my pen expanding my collection of poems:
‘’Thank you, thank you!
For making me
Feel unwanted
For my look
Thank you
Thank you …..’’
Yilma Tafere Tasew
Thank you, thank you!
2010, Steel Roberts, New Zealand
Since then this is the only avenue for me to express myself. Since 2001, I was worker at the National Museum where I served as a car park attendant, until made redundant in 2009.
In my word “expired’’.
I remember the life-time president of ‘’ African Community’’ didn’t give me a chance to speak. In 2005 for ‘’ Refugee Day Celebration’’ I asked the organizers if I am able to read a poem and speak. I am told it is only music and dance.
I said thank you no!!!
I don’t think this year will be different. If it is, prove me wrong by allowing me to speak and read a poem. If not, shame on everyone who blocks people like me and others from speaking their mind.
Saturday 24th February, 2018, Wellington, New Zealand.
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