The Poverty Porn
“Humanitarian organizations like UNICEF, Doctors without Borders, and alike have done more damage to Africa than the marginal positive impact they supposedly have had.’’
Charity has been in Africa for centuries, even before the “scramble for Africa’’ arrived in the continent. The white missionaries carrying some items in the one hand and their bibles in the other. Brainwashing indigenous Africans to believe that poverty is a god-given treasure to accept with gratitude.
The missionaries were preparing them for the coming colonialism. This is a sentence which will transit the reader to the current situation of “charity’’ agencies’ corruption, rape, and sexual abuse, which is the current existing trend or practice.
If anyone joins any “Charity agency’’ to go to Africa, the expectation is to be employed with a hard currency minimum six figure salary, medical insurance, and the so-called “R&R or rest and relax’’ on top of annual leave.
For example, if you are a refugee in an African Refugee situation, “volunteering’’ for the agencies, including the UN refugee agency UNHCR, your payment is your incentive; working like a donkey, more than the local & international staff. No insurance, no annual holiday, no time limit. If your bosses want you to work, you have to work 24/7 without any contract. Because they/you think it is much better than staying in the camp without any prospect of resettlement.
Recently, the World Food Program reduced food ration for refugees in Kenya, starving refugees of Kakuma and Dadab camps to death. The thugs, criminals of the UN, start taking the highest portion of the donated money. Driving around the refugee camps with their flashy air-conditioned vehicles, their accommodation like Western countries’ villas, satellite TV.
Their food flying in, with water and drink, by plane from Nairobi. Relaxing. Enjoying themselves in and around the swimming pool. They “complained’’ about not having enough budget for feeding the “basic’’ - the refugees. When they run out of ideas they “design’’ headcount - making refugees pass through disclosure fence like cattle, inking them to identify the counted ones from the not-counted ones, in the scorching sun. Heart breaking. While they starve, the UN and other agencies’ staff wouldn’t lose a meal for a day.
Part of the current charity debacle are the so-called celebrities, like Angelina Jolie and Madonna, who think they can save Africa. The So-Called UN ambassador in the case of Angelina Jolie, and the business of “adoption’’ by both she and other deluded Westerners, whose greed has no limit.
If they are allowed they will go to Africa to hunt children with “hunting’’ permit, like wild animals. People who read this article are outraged in their own category. On the one hand, the ones who are happy this is said, who didn’t know it has gotten worse. On the other hand, how dare I write this?
Recently the British “Charity’’ Oxfam has been exposed for its crimes of corruption and sexual abuse. It is the tip of the iceberg.
When it comes to the current problem of Africa, it is rooted in and planted by the West. The first step of the solution is for the West to get out of Africa. After a few years of up-and-down, Africa will clean itself and achieve success. Otherwise Africa will die in a worse shape than currently.
Sunday, 25th February 2018

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